Sunday, March 29, 2009

Abandoned House Of The Future


I just found a incredible set of these pics on Flikr, along with an article about the concept and sad demise of these structures.
Sanjhih is a small town on the north coast of Taiwan. It's near Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. In late 70's, a keeper of a rubber company worked out the prototype of the UFO house using his own factory. He wanted to build a contemporary style holiday resort. However, the rubber company closed down in the energy crisis in 1980. The UFO houses that was just begining was sealed up by the bank. In that time, there was only foundation and FPR compoments.
Click Here For Full Article & Pics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once in a while I see things like this and I remember my plans to get filthy rich and buy up unique properties like this so my friends and staff memembers from all over the world has a place to live and entertian guests and potential custmers/new employees.

Is the whole neighborhood/development for sale, and can I WiFi the whole place for the internet?